
Members pay annual dues to join Friends Forever, however, the membership fee does not cover the cost of all events. Friends Forever does not receive any city, state or federal financial assistance so we rely solely on donations and fundraisers to provide additional funding for various events.Donations are used to ensure members can continue to have the ability to experience these recreational, educational and social activities without financial hardship. Our goal, with any activity we plan, is for our members to attend at little or no cost. We are a designated 501(c)3 non-profit corporation and all donations to our organization are fully tax deductible.

Please make checks payable to Friends Forever, Inc. and mail to:

Friends Forever, Inc.

PO Box 30203

Middleburg Heights, Ohio 44130

Please contact us at 216-452-0902 or email:  [email protected] to learn about other ways to donate, such as:

  • How to list us as an approved charity with an organization’s matching donation program
  • Underwrite or sponsor an event
  • Endowments or Planned Giving


Please call or email.

email:  [email protected]

Friends Forever, Inc.

P.O. Box 30203

Middleburg Heights, Ohio 44130
